
How to Recommit to Goals and Stick to Them

It’s usually at this point in the year that many of us look back at the goals we set in late December or early January and evaluate whether we have successfully stayed on track or completely abandoned our visions for 2022.

If you’re sitting here thinking you’re in the ‘completely abandoned’ pile, I can safely say YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Research shows that around 80% of people abandon their New Years goals come February.

Yikes! That’s quite a large percentage.

But why is that – and how can we change it?

Whether your goals are personal, work-related or based around your business, these pointers can help you recommit and give you the motivation to stick to them throughout the rest of the year.

1. Reconfirm Your Goals

Are the goals you wrote down 2 months ago still something you wish to work upon for the next 10 months? If not, that’s okay, this may be the reason you are struggling to commit to your goals. Use this opportunity to reevaluate and set expectations that are more true to you now than what was back at the start of the year.

2. Write it Down

Once you have reconfirmed your goals, it’s important to jot them down. This can be as simple as writing them in a planner, having a sticky note on your fridge, or a personal favourite for us here at Social Media Tribe is having them visible on our mood boards and yearly calendars. Having them clearly visible every day helps you to stay accountable for your actions.

3. Are They Realistic?

Another important tip is to ensure your goals are realistic – Not only is this especially important if you are setting yearly business goals for your team or brand but personal goals as well.

An example of this could be that you promised yourself that you would post an Instagram story on your business profile once a day. You started off strong, but once the workload picked up your creativity and passion to continue this goal each and every day plummeted – so you went from 7 stories a week, to 5 and now you are down to only 2 and no longer looking forward to the task.

Adjusting the realistic commitment of this goal could make all the difference. No one said you had to be perfect, and starting off with smaller manageable goals will allow you to work up to those bigger goals one day.

4. Break Goals into Small Steps

Once you have confirmed your goals and set more realistic expectations, break them down into small, manageable steps. Don’t overdo it at the beginning – this can cause you to feel overwhelmed and lead to burnout.

5. Celebrate Your Wins!

Most importantly – don’t forget to celebrate your milestones! Rewarding each win, no matter how small or large, gives a much needed serotonin boost and keeps you motivated to stick to your goals in the future.

There really are so many different ways to keep yourself committed, but reconfirming your goals, writing them down, making sure they’re realistic, breaking them down into small steps and celebrating the wins are some of our favourite and most successful tips.

If it’s social media goals you’re struggling to commit to, reaching out to the professionals can also alleviate your workload while ensuring your goals are still met. Book in a 15-minute strategy session to find out how we can support your business goals!

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Minna Salmesvuo

Social Media & Online Marketing Strategist