
Social media training

What are content pillars? And why are they so important?

You might have heard the term “Content Pillar” before, but what exactly does it mean? Content Pillars are like building blocks for your social media, and can be different for everyone, depending on what your goals for your business and marketing are. Having a marketing strategy in place to ensure that you are meeting at…

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How to stand out as a personal brand!

Personal Branding - Social Media Tribe

As part of developing your identity in the professional realm, building your personal brand to stand out is essential. Not only will it foster connection with your audience, but it will help you establish a great personal reputation.

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Welcome to Emojis 101

Welcome to Emojis 101

Hands up if you’ve been called out by your younger teammates for the incorrect use of emojis 😅🙋‍♀️ Yep, we get it … It’s super embarrassing, especially having a millennial let you know you’ve misunderstood. You guys loved our last blog ‘‘IYKYK’ and Other Social Media Lingo Explained’ so we thought we better provide you…

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‘IYKYK’ and Other Social Media Lingo Explained

Social Media Lingo Explained

“Weetbix at night, just hits different.” Have you ever come across an acronym, word or phrase like this on social media that seems totally out of context, but everyone else seems to get it? Like you’re missing out on an inside joke? There’s nothing worse than feeling out of the loop, but don’t fret –…

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The 5 Core Types of Content you MUST post!

Blog Post

Here at Social Media Tribe we love organic marketing. Creating and posting content, as well as performing daily social media management tasks is one of our top services, and one that we have perfected over our 10 years of social media marketing experience. So what do we post on social media in order to organically…

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Kick Start Your Business in 2021 with Tribe Training!

Happy 2021! We hope you all had a wonderful break over the Christmas period and are ready to kick start the new year with positive energy and a whole lot of love, patience and gratitude.  Our team is super excited, as this year not only has us working on a range of fun and exhilarating…

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#HashTags Why Are They Useful & How Can You Benefit From Them?

Throughout the office this past week, our main topic of discussion has been on the use of #hashtags and how businesses both big and small can benefit from joining in on the online conversation.  They might seem #silly, and they most definitely look silly, but the importance behind them can make a significant impact on…

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Pilates Alliance of Australasia Conference Wrap Up

The last few months have been extremely busy here at Social Media Tribe! We’ve had many great opportunities coming our way. In September, I was extremely grateful to be invited as a guest speaker at the Pilates Alliance Of Australasia Conference for 2019. The wonderful crew at PAA invited me along to chat about Social…

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Why Persistence Pays off in Social Media Marketing

Social media presence doesn’t come easily or quickly. If you think your brand will just take off on social media once you start trying, you might have to think again. But don’t be put off– persistence pays off! Here’s why: Algorithms change When you create a new business account on social media platforms like Instagram…

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